Friday, January 25, 2008

Discovery The 3 Basic Fundamentals Of Computer Speed

Discovery The 3 Basic Fundamentals Of Computer Speed 
By Robert Palmer 
So let's talk about the 3 basic fundamentals of computer speed those 3 basic fundamentals are connection hardware and software. These areas are all there really is to the slowing down of computer speed or more importantly the speeding up of your computer. Your computer speed stops and slows down when you have a bad connection or when you have slow or old or bad hardware orwhen you have software that is some how not optimized properly or that in not running properly or that just takesup too much of your computer memory reserves. So those arethe 3 areas that are the fundamentals of computer speed.

They are where your speed comes from and they are where your speed falls apart. Looking at fundamentals and knowing these fundamentals make it easier for you to understand and just how to improve computer speed. This brings out one of the missing links and opens up one of the biggest problems when it comes to computer speed and that is most of the people addressing computer speed are only looking at one of these areas.

When I looked for the fundamental of computer speed using a research technique called the stable datum I found that there is really nothing else in a computer that you can repair other than hardware, software, or connection to the internet. So, those are the areas you want to start to look at when you want to improve computer speed.

This method makes it very easy to know what to do. Obviously the first thing to start with is hardware and unlike the others you really cannot tweek hardware that much. It can be done to some degree but really the way you would improve hardware is to get a more up-to-date or more efficient or faster piece of hardware. Sometime just a newer way of create a simple hardware tool will greatly improve you computer speed experience. 

You can do things like get a better keyboard or a better mouse a bigger hardrive a more advanced mother board anything more improved so to speak. And as we all know things get improved at the speed of light on the internet. So thats pretty much all you can do with hardware. 

Next thing we want to talk about here is software and software is a whole different thing because software is the brain of the computer. Software is what makes the computer do things. It is vital to have hardware but nothing very exciting happens until you fire up the software. We may as well start with the basic piece of software and that is Windows XP and all of the software pieces that go along with Windows XP. These are the items that you will need to be tweeking and this includes XP itself, Internet Explorer, & Microsoft Outlook. This also includes the way Windows XP load onto your computer during the start up process. Those are the first areas you will have to optimize to get any speed.

Now one of the things that make this seem more complex than it is there is always a dozen ways to do one simple thing on XP. Programmers do things one way hackers do it another way and a researcher like me I just try to find the safest and easiest way to the same end result. Just knowing the fastest way find or do a task on your computer can speed up your computing experience in a way you probably never thought of.

What you will find is that many of the default or out of the box ways that Windows XP does tasks can be changed in order to give you more speed and performance. Windows standard setting are often set very broad and general. When focused just a little you get tons more speed.

Now you can either do these adjustments yourself or you can buy software that makes the setting adjustments for you. I recommend you do both because some adjustments are way too simple to pay for and others are way too complex to risk doing yourself. 

There is also the reverse of this when we are talking about software as a fundamental of computer speed. Some of the time your computer has software on it that needs to come off because it is the source of the loss in computer speed itself. This is where spyware removal software and anti virus software become valuble. You definately want to take a look at this kind of software& improve the ones you have on your computer. A high price does not mean high quality either.

Connection is the next thing that we want to talk about. Connecting to the internet is how most of us do much of our work with our computer. So if you have terrible connection speed or if your service is not fast or if the modem you are using in not good. So you immediately see that you can do a lot to speed up your computing by change and improving the things that connect you to the internet.

A satellite T-1 connection is about the fastest but I prefer cable because it is not affected by weather. Cable is awesome because it is very stable and I have been using it for year now and it out performs most alternatives. DSL on the phone lines is your next best choice if cable is not available. Just try to get the fastest service you can.

Connection speed is also dependant on the software that is used to connect to the internet service that you use. We have found that you can do software adjustments to Windows that optimize the browser and the email usage of the connection services. Doing these simple adjustments can improve a service dramatically. My cable connection operates at almost satellite speeds.

So those are the fundamentals of computer speed and if you take advantage of our home study course these are the things we concentrate on improving. Having this knowledge gives you the direction you need to get real computer speed and even if you hire someone to speed up your computer now you know exactly what to tell them to do.

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