Friday, January 25, 2008

Computer Security - Startling Facts.

Computer Security - Startling Facts. 
By Pete 
Working on the Internet provides Internet marketers with the opportunity to make a living in the comfort of their own home. Computer Security includes threats such as viruses, identity theft, spyware, adware to name but a few. The latest statistics show that at least over 900 new viruses are created each month which makes keeping track of them really quite difficult. This article would cover three (3) subtopics namely: The Internet, Spyware and Antivirus.


If you use your computer on the internet, you need (at minimum) anti virus software. The problem of computer security is the number one problem in todays networks and Internet engineering. As hackers use different means to crack the security systems it often happens to be impossible to resist and computer security system fail.

Computer Security on the internet is vital for home and business use as there are increasingly hostile environments when users surf the net. It is very important for users to be educated on the dangers they may face while on the internet. Your computer connected to the internet is similar to your house in many ways. Users search on the internet for free computer security software which they dump into their computers and hope for the best. 

The Internet is a wonderful place. Anyone with an Internet connection can stay in touch with family and friends via email. Computer security is growing rapidly by the minute and the only one who has control over their files of information is the user. It is strongly suggested that users equip their pc with an armed fire wall for vital protection.

An advice is to use Microsoft Windows Update to keep your operating system and Internet Explorer patched. Other advice could be to only conduct Internet transactions that have secured processing. Even if you have a computer connected to the Internet only to play the latest games or to send email to friends and family, your computer could be a target.

Although confidentiality, integrity and authenticity are the most important things when it comes to computer security in general, for everyday internet users, privacy is the most important one, because many people think that they have nothing to hide or the information they give doesn't seem sensitive when they register with an internet service/site. 


An avenue for Spyware to infect your machine is through popular Peer-to-Peer File Sharing software such as Kazaa. Extreme spyware like Rootkits and other advanced spyware have fundamentally changed the playing field in todays computer security.

While it may seem to be common sense, many of the most widely-spread attacks have involved spyware and email attachment worms. Often these packages come as “suites” including a firewall and Spyware scanner. They scan and destroy spyware as it’s found in the user’s computer. 

Regardless of the type of spyware, it can slow your computer to a crawl and needs to be removed from your computer. Spyware occurs when certain websites run programs in the back ground of your computer while gleaning information from it. There is now a bill in the US Congress to make Spyware illegal. 

Anti-spyware tools will greatly assist in protecting your privacy and restoring full computer functions that spyware may have taken over. In the internet world it is vital for users to have a good spyware scan (a recommended and reliable one can be found in the Author Resource Box below) and removal tool because of the multitude of different spyware, adware, Trojans and other malware constantly looking to attack your system. Spyware can slow down your computer, and would have to be removed. 

There are tools available which include good free Spyware removal software among other security measures the user can take to protect the computer from malicious attack such as Viruses, Spyware and Adware. The recommended one is staed below. Spyware not only covertly runs in the background and steals personal information of the user it is a potential security threat of which the extent of the damage cannot be determined. 


With all of the marketing commotion that surrounds viruses, you should already have antivirus software on all of your computers. Let me explain something, just because you have a antivirus software program on your computer you are not cured. Until recently could one install a firewall and an antivirus program and feel quite secure. 

Protection services could commonly include the ability of an administrator to monitor activity throughout the system as well as potentially block hazardous material on the internet from being viewed by other users, the ability to manage automatic updates and what's more the ability to enquire about the status of antivirus software. These include firewall, spyware scanning software and antivirus software.

Everyone needs to have proper computer security measures in place to make sure they are consistently free from all these malicious software. Urgent action should be taken now.

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Discovery The 3 Basic Fundamentals Of Computer Speed

Discovery The 3 Basic Fundamentals Of Computer Speed 
By Robert Palmer 
So let's talk about the 3 basic fundamentals of computer speed those 3 basic fundamentals are connection hardware and software. These areas are all there really is to the slowing down of computer speed or more importantly the speeding up of your computer. Your computer speed stops and slows down when you have a bad connection or when you have slow or old or bad hardware orwhen you have software that is some how not optimized properly or that in not running properly or that just takesup too much of your computer memory reserves. So those arethe 3 areas that are the fundamentals of computer speed.

They are where your speed comes from and they are where your speed falls apart. Looking at fundamentals and knowing these fundamentals make it easier for you to understand and just how to improve computer speed. This brings out one of the missing links and opens up one of the biggest problems when it comes to computer speed and that is most of the people addressing computer speed are only looking at one of these areas.

When I looked for the fundamental of computer speed using a research technique called the stable datum I found that there is really nothing else in a computer that you can repair other than hardware, software, or connection to the internet. So, those are the areas you want to start to look at when you want to improve computer speed.

This method makes it very easy to know what to do. Obviously the first thing to start with is hardware and unlike the others you really cannot tweek hardware that much. It can be done to some degree but really the way you would improve hardware is to get a more up-to-date or more efficient or faster piece of hardware. Sometime just a newer way of create a simple hardware tool will greatly improve you computer speed experience. 

You can do things like get a better keyboard or a better mouse a bigger hardrive a more advanced mother board anything more improved so to speak. And as we all know things get improved at the speed of light on the internet. So thats pretty much all you can do with hardware. 

Next thing we want to talk about here is software and software is a whole different thing because software is the brain of the computer. Software is what makes the computer do things. It is vital to have hardware but nothing very exciting happens until you fire up the software. We may as well start with the basic piece of software and that is Windows XP and all of the software pieces that go along with Windows XP. These are the items that you will need to be tweeking and this includes XP itself, Internet Explorer, & Microsoft Outlook. This also includes the way Windows XP load onto your computer during the start up process. Those are the first areas you will have to optimize to get any speed.

Now one of the things that make this seem more complex than it is there is always a dozen ways to do one simple thing on XP. Programmers do things one way hackers do it another way and a researcher like me I just try to find the safest and easiest way to the same end result. Just knowing the fastest way find or do a task on your computer can speed up your computing experience in a way you probably never thought of.

What you will find is that many of the default or out of the box ways that Windows XP does tasks can be changed in order to give you more speed and performance. Windows standard setting are often set very broad and general. When focused just a little you get tons more speed.

Now you can either do these adjustments yourself or you can buy software that makes the setting adjustments for you. I recommend you do both because some adjustments are way too simple to pay for and others are way too complex to risk doing yourself. 

There is also the reverse of this when we are talking about software as a fundamental of computer speed. Some of the time your computer has software on it that needs to come off because it is the source of the loss in computer speed itself. This is where spyware removal software and anti virus software become valuble. You definately want to take a look at this kind of software& improve the ones you have on your computer. A high price does not mean high quality either.

Connection is the next thing that we want to talk about. Connecting to the internet is how most of us do much of our work with our computer. So if you have terrible connection speed or if your service is not fast or if the modem you are using in not good. So you immediately see that you can do a lot to speed up your computing by change and improving the things that connect you to the internet.

A satellite T-1 connection is about the fastest but I prefer cable because it is not affected by weather. Cable is awesome because it is very stable and I have been using it for year now and it out performs most alternatives. DSL on the phone lines is your next best choice if cable is not available. Just try to get the fastest service you can.

Connection speed is also dependant on the software that is used to connect to the internet service that you use. We have found that you can do software adjustments to Windows that optimize the browser and the email usage of the connection services. Doing these simple adjustments can improve a service dramatically. My cable connection operates at almost satellite speeds.

So those are the fundamentals of computer speed and if you take advantage of our home study course these are the things we concentrate on improving. Having this knowledge gives you the direction you need to get real computer speed and even if you hire someone to speed up your computer now you know exactly what to tell them to do.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What to Watch Out for When Selecting an Online Computer Repair Company

What to Watch Out for When Selecting an Online Computer Repair Company

By John Stevens

Almost all on-line computer repair companies are legitimate. With that said there are still a few things to watch out for when selecting an online computer repair company.

When you come across a company be sure and check the prices up front. Some companies charge by the hour while others charge by the service. While the hour may seem like a better way to go most of the time it is not. Knowing the total price upfront and the max you will have to pay will let you know whether or not your computer is worth fixing. If the repair takes 5 hours and you end up paying $300 dollars you may feel ripped off.

Another aspect to look at is what guarantee they offer. You should always go for a company that has a “no fix no fee” policy. Some online computer repair companies out there will charge you a minimum fee no matter if they fix the issue or not. This of course may sound insane but it’s not all that uncommon. The next item to check out is was comes with their guarantee. Many computer issues may seem resolved only to show up the next day. When this happens you want the issue taken care of without having to jump through hoops. Try and choose a company that has a 30 day gurantee or more. That way if the issue comes back on you, they will resolve it without you having to pay more. This is another reason why paying a flat fix fee is better then by the hour.

Many companies also have an unlimited support option. In a nutshell you pay a one time fee and get unlimited support for a whole year. The average cost for this type of service is around $300 dollars. If you are someone who is really computer illiterate and run into issues all the time then this is a great service. It’s not for everyone but that’s one reason why getting the repair cost up front can be helpful. If your computer has a virus and needs a computer tune-up that alone will cost close to $200 hundred dollars. For an extra hundred you can be covered for a full year. Be sure and ask what their unlimited support covers. Some will cover all issues computer related and others will not.

About the author:
If your in need of online computer repair then check us out at online computer repair. For great tips on XP and vista stop by our Vista Repair site. 

Article Source:

Friday, January 11, 2008

Computer Rentals: The Best Classroom Computer Training Solution

Computer Rentals: The Best Classroom Computer Training Solution 
For classroom training renting computers, sound systems and projectors from is the easiest and most cost efficient way to coordinate corporate training initiatives with the least amount of headaches. Visit "The Rent Computer PC Software Training Equipment page at for details.

Save Time and Money with Training Computer, Projector and Sound System Equipment Rentals

Even if you own all the equipment you need for a computer training session you will save money by using the installation services of We coordinate everything technical so you can concentrate on the execution of your computer training program.

Trainers become technicians very quickly when training computer equipment doesn't work properly.

Training directors know how difficult it can be to ' work out all the bugs' before, during and after each training program. Execution is the key to training results and efficiencies. If 20% of the computers don't work, you can have a training disaster on your hands. 

Add up all the costs and distractions from your computer training goals. Put a value on your time, say $100 per hour. Now multiply the time you and your staff spent on hardware setup, delivery, installation, maintenance and removal. Keep in mind that all computers need to have the same configuration to maximize productivity. 

Here is a quick checklist of common tasks that need to be accomplished on every computer training session.

1. Install same versions of operating systems and training software
2. Install sound system, projectors, printers
3. Run network cables
4. Tape down all wires
5. Connect to network services
6. Test each computer
7. Troubleshoot installation problems
8. Diagnose and fix all problems
9. Service equipment during training sessions including having spare equipment available. 
10. At the end of the computer training, disconnect, pickup and return all the equipment to various locations in your company.

How many man-hours would it take for you and your company's staff to accomplish the classroom training setup, service and teardown? Tech Travel Agents are experts in getting the classroom training hardware and software you need. We remember all the pieces and parts that easily get overlooked. 

Focus on your core competency...your computer training session. Don't be distracted by hardware and software problems. Let us focus on our core competency.. 

your computer training hardware installation and management!

Your total costs and total frustration is way lower with Here are some key reasons to use for computer training sessions:

Software Installed and Tested on all rental computers:
We install your training program software and the OS of your choice on all desktop or laptop computers! We test each application by following your testing directions. This ensures that your training software will work as planned. We have been installing training company software for over 17 years. We have the experience to get it right the first time.

Delivery, Setup and Service before, during and after your computer training sessions:
We do it all! Deliver, setup and cover you with 24 hours on-site service if you require! 
Extra, spare equipment can even be included for your computer training class! 

Unexpected increase in Class Size?
No problem. 

With all it takes is a phone call or e-mail and we will deliver any additional computer rental equipment you need immediately.

Train Larger Classes to Lower Costs
With one instructor a high lumen projector and 10-50 computers, your total cost of training will be much lower than smaller sessions. Providing multiple training sessions with the pre-configured training computers will improve training efficiencies and improve the cost dynamics of the total training program. 

Multiple cities? No problem, One Point of Contact
No problem . With our Technology Travel Agent© Computer Rental Service we will coordinate multiple installations. All equipment will be preconfigured with any company training programs and data on you want BEFORE we deliver and install. 

Contact your Tech Travel Agent© Toll Free at 800-736-8772 or visit:

Largest Service Area of Classroom Computer Training In North America installs classroom computer training equipment anywhere in the United States, most of Canada and many parts of Europe! Multiple computer training sessions can be coordinated in multiple cities, even on the same day. Your Technology Travel Agent will coordinate all cities and you will have only one contact person to take care of all your computer training equipment needs.

For more information about Renting Technology, Visit our website at

Update Your Computer System

Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing 
The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. 

Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement. Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. 

Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing. Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. 

Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can't escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. 

This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment. Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. 

Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. 

Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that. Now hear this, it really works. Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing' is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing'. 

Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. 

And this can't be done unless you establish a credit.The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. 

AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education. All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. 

Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history. Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. 

But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing. holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master's in Business Administration from IGNOU. 

She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for To find a personal loans,bad credit loans,debt consolidation loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit

Monday, January 7, 2008

Five Simple Steps To Speed Up Your Computer

Five Simple Steps To Speed Up Your Computer 
Most people download and save so much information on their computer that before long the computer starts slowing down and the user has no idea what the problem is. However, even if you are not a computer whiz there are several things you can easily do to speed up your computer quickly and easily.Tip #1 DefragOne of the first things you should do if you want to speed up your computer is to defrag. This is something you can easily do and a wizard on your computer will help you defrag. You might want to do it overnight, however, because it can take a long time.Tip #2 Spyware RemoverDownload a good spyware remover. Most computers have a lot of spyware running in the background, stealing information and slowing down your computer. 

Remove it frequently if possible.Tip #3 Empty Temp Internet FilesMost Internet browsers save your last visited web pages for up to 30 days. If you don't want all of those pages saved then change the days to one or two, or none, whatever meets your needs.Tip #4 Turn off Active DesktopWhen you turn of active desktop that will be one less thing using memory on your computer. Plus, you won't really notice the difference.Tip #5 Antivirus ProgramsMake sure you have a good anti-virus program and use it frequently. If you are deleting virus and preventing them from feeding on your computer then you will have a faster computer as well.Once you perform these simple tasks you will be amazed at how much faster your computer runs and with so little effort.. 
To learn more about softwares that speed up your computer, please visit