Friday, February 22, 2008

Computer Speed N Security

Computer Speed N Security 
By Tom Jackson, Mon Jan 2nd 

In this article you will learn ways that Microsoft actuallyprevents computer speed up. I promise at the end of this articleI'll provide you with a solution to these problems but firstlet's take a look at the problems.
You would not expect a billion-dollar company to design itsproduct in a fashion to where it prevents you from getting thevery thing that you want most out of a computer. SPEED! Afterall that's what computers are all about improving the speedingof our lives. They are supposed to be an instantaneousinformation tool but Microsoft is preventing this from happening.

Here is how they do that. If you ever tried to optimize WindowsXP you notice that is quite difficult to do. It is difficulteven find the areas which you can optimize and they're very fewbooks that explain how to optimize and set the little tweaksthat actually make Windows work better. Now why is that?

There's also the problem that Windows does not put informationon your hard drive and a very organized fashion. I admit theyinclude a defrag tool in Windows XP and in many of the earlierWindows of versions but it's quite useless to use. Which puts usin a situation where information is being saved to your harddrive in a very disorganized fashion and we have no way toreorganize it.

Here is another point. Now why isn't there a spyware an adwareprotection built right in the Windows XP. This problem beenaround for a while. There should've been a patch made a longtime ago to prevent and stop spyware & adware from getting inWindows XP. It is a fact that many of the antivirus companiesare already figuring spyware and adware protections into theirsoftware. 

Why wouldn't Windows XP beat them to the punch?

Firefox and Netscape are both attempting to safeguard theirbrowsers which brings up the other reason that you can't get anyspeed with Windows XP. Windows Internet Explorer is wide open. Idon't find very many ways to protect Internet Explorer built in.You have to buy or find secondary software that protects it foryou.

Another Windows XP software that is quite vulnerable is Outlookexpress it's very easy to get into with and viruses whichactually destroys computer speed.

Finally Windows XP manages memory very poorly. This makes yourcomputer become sluggish and slow. Why not put out a shortinformation bulletin that explains how to refresh the memory inWindows XP before it boots up. According to a programmer that Iwork with this would be the best way to do it. The only drawback is that it would take a programmer to do this. Maybe thisis why Microsoft doesn't do it.

And on top of managing memory poorly Windows XP does notstabilize your memory usage it just keeps eating memory untilyour computer crashes or freezes up. Why not build stabilizationright in to Windows XP?

Well I posed a lot of questions and I did promise you a solutionat the end of this article. The research that we're talkingabout here was done by the guys who are experts at and they do cover every knownflaw that is mentioned in this article.

There are too many to list here. Most are in the form of uniqueWindows friendly software, XP tweaks, free antivirus softwareand free spyware software. Using these tools actually solves allthese problems but the question is.....

Why is it we have to do it this way when Microsoft could buildall of these things rather easily right into their expensivesoftware. I know this is a a question without an answer butsometimes the question just needs to be asked. In the meantimewe can work with what we have at hand. We can use the tools Imentioned above until Microsoft will Help.

Or you you can wait to get Warmth from ICE............... 

About the author:Lives in LV Nevada, Have been Marketing and searching for thebest ways to help the newbie's challenging issues with windowsxp!

In my past time over the last few years has been R&D in findingways for anyone to sell any product and do this without theweighing down of a mountain of failure!

And by Golly Gee we have found it it does exist now ourcompanies priority! 

1 702 435 5242 Sincerly Thomas Jackson 

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to computer that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

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Quick Guide To Computer Training

Quick Guide To Computer Training 
By Kate Leas, Mon Jan 2nd 

Computers and the Internet have come a long way since theirinception. Living in the computer age means adapting to newtechnologies as they evolve. The ease and speed of communicationthat computer technology provides allows us to be moreproductive in every facet of our lives. That technology requiresskilled computer professionals to design, maintain, andimplement it. 

What is it? Computer training is divided intospecialties including: *Computer hardware *Computer software *Computer networking *Web Development

Computer hardware refers to the actual physical components thatcomprise computers (processors, modems, keyboards, motherboardsetc). Computer hardware engineers design, develop and maintaincomputer hardware. They may oversee the installation andmanufacture of hardware. Due to the constant flux of theindustry, continued education is required to keep up with trendsand technology.

Computer software refers to the content that makesa computer work. Software is divided into three categories:Platform (such as operating systems i.e. Windows, Linux, andMacintosh OSX), Applications (Microsoft Office, games), andUser-Written (templates, plug-ins, extensions). Computersoftware engineers, like their hardware counterparts, arerequired to continually learn new skills in conjunction withdeveloping technology. 

Computer networking refers to communication betweena group or groups of computers. This includes LAN-local areanetwork, MAN-metropolitan area network and WAN-wide areanetwork. Computer network engineers work with software andhardware integration across a system of computers and servers.They deal with computer-to-computer interface and connect usersto each other via private as well as public networks.

Web development refers to the building andimplementation of websites (design, programming, serverconfiguration) - Web page design is a subset that deals withuser interface design, graphics, html and CSS (cascading stylesheets). Web page designers are behooved to have good art skillsas they will most likely be dealing with graphics, layout andFlash applications.

Why do it? Other than the obvious passion for computersand technology, salary and job growth potential are excellentreasons to consider computer careers. Diversity of computerskills adds to marketability in the workforce. Many employers donot have time to train workers on basic skills and expectemployees to be more than familiar with computers. 

Who should do it? If you have an aptitude or interest inmath, science or art, and have strong problem solving andanalytical skills you are a perfect candidate for a computerrelated career. Computer careers can be solitary work, but oftenrequire good communication skills. Systems administrators mustknow how to relay information to clients and coworkers in orderto maintain order and efficiency in the system. 

Education is available in many varieties; from certifications,certificate programs, associate's degree programs, bachelor'sand even master's degree programs. Many professionals receivedegrees in computer science and related fields, but still othersare required to have specific certifications (for exampleMCSE-Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer or MCSA-MicrosoftCertified Systems Administrator). Many industries do not requirethese specific certifications, only knowledge and experience ofcomputer systems. When making a decision about education,research the jobs that interest you and find out just what theemployers are looking for in a candidate. Why spend four yearsworking on a bachelor's degree when a shorter certificateprogram may be all you need?

Where can I find out more? For more information oncareers, training, and working conditions see the OccupationalOutlook handbook at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics site.

About the author:Kate Leas is a freelance writer from Kansas City, Missouri. Hercurrent fields include education and the Internet. 

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to computer that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our gaming computers website.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Basic Computer Maintenance

Basic Computer Maintenance 
By Kerry Garrison, Mon Jan 2nd 

We get asked all the time what things you can do to prolong thelife of your system and keep it running in top shape. We haveput together a short list of our favorite tips to help youmaximize that investment of yours. Use these tips to keep yoursystem cool, running fast, and lasting longer.

I Thought I Saw A Bunny Wabbit

The main enemy of your computer is heat. Heat will destroy acomputer given a high enough temperature or a long enoughduration. When you machine is nice and new, heat shouldn't be aproblem is a well designed system. Well, if it isn't a problemwhen you bought it, why is it a problem now? The answer are twosimple words: dust bunnies

Those pesky dust bunnies will multiply in the sanctity of yourcomputer case like real rabbts in the wild. The dust will buildup on the components and cooling fins trapping in heat. Now Iknow that now self respecting computer stud wants to ask thewife to borrow the dust buster, heaven knows you might gettrapped into cleaning something else while you are at it. In ourbook, the best cleaning is to take the machine outside, removethe side panel, and use a good air compressor or canned air toclean off all of the components. Be sure and use the littlestraw to get deep into the power supply. More power supplies arelost every year to dust buildup than any other cause. Beforeputting the cover back on, check all the cards and RAM to makesure it is seated well.

Do The Defrag

When do you defragment your drive? This is an age old questionthat I will put to rest right here and now. You do NOT need todefragment your drive every day, nor every week, and many peopledon't need to even do it once a month. It really just depends onhow much your use your system. We reecommend a defragmentationabout once a month. In an upcoming article, we will actuallyshow you how to automate this process.


Enough said. If you are not backing up your data on a regularbasis, then paint your face, put on a funny wig and a rubbernose and hang out with Bozo, cause a fool you are. Read thissentance carefully: your hardrive will die someday...period. Itis only a matter of when. how often should you back up? Thatdepends again, how far back to you want to go when your harddrive dies and all of your data is gone? Every business shouldbe backing up their data monday through friday, preferably withthe ability to go back to any day's backup for at least twoweeks. 

Whose got the power?

One of the most overlooked problems that will reduce a perfectlygood computer to a pile of rubble in no time flat is the qualityof the power coming into the system. If the power fluctuates upand down even a small amount, it puts a tremendous strain on thepower supply to filter it and deliver clean power to the systemcomponents. At minimum you want a good surge suppressor. I amnot talking about the $2.99 hardware store specials, I amtalking about a good quality, brand name (like Belkin) surgesuppresor. If you spend less than $20 on it, it is not providingadequate protection. If you really want ensure good qualitypower to your system, invest in even a small battery backupsystem. A small UPS will smooth out the power spikes and dropsend deliver smooth, consistent power to your system. 

About the author:Kerry Garrison is the Director of Technical Services for Tech Data Pros, a southernCalifornia IT Consulting firm, and is the publisher of The Geek Gazette and

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to computer that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.