Sunday, December 30, 2007

Setting-up Your New Computer 3

However, be aware: ~ Generally, these programs want to move all the contents of your old computer to your new computer. That's OK for your data files but moving the program files that run your applications may cause problems because older applications may not be supported by your new computer operating system. Transferring a Windows 95-era program to a computer preloaded with the Windows XP operating system could be a problem because many of those programs haven't been upgraded to run under Windows XP. ~ When you move the full contents of a computer system, everything moves over, including those obscure files that had your old computer running sluggish in its final days. ~ Moving data through a USB cable isn't fast, but it is faster than data transfer through a parallel port. 

Choosing a Data Migration Software Package ~ Does the software allow you to pick and choose which files are moved, or does it move EVERYTHING -- even the junk files? ~ How is the data transferred? A wireless network is faster than a USB cable, which is faster than a USB cable, which is faster than a parallel cable. Are you prepared to wait hours or even days for this transfer to take place? ~ If you're using the Internet as a holding place for your data, check your connection and upload speeds. It could take hours to move those files. ~ Consider investing in a high-capacity external hard drive, a plug-and-play device that you'll simply connect to your new computer. The drive, though more expensive, will get far more use than one-time migration software. 

Getting Ready for Your Data Migration ~ Get rid of all of your old files. Fill your recycle bin on your old computer with as much as you can. There's nothing worse than bringing useless data to the new computer. ~ Make a software checklist. Is your versions of current program applications compatible with Windows XP? Look on the Web for free Windows XP upgrades to new versions of the programs you need, such as your Palm desktop software. 

~ Does your new computer have preloaded software on it? Chances are good the latest Internet browser is already pre-load on your new computer and thus you do not have to transfer the older browser version. ~ Make a list of user names and passwords that are stored in files on your old computer and automatically appear when you visit Web sites. They could be lost in the move, denying you access on your new computer. Copyright 

Setting-up Your New Computer 2

The software works with Iomega Zip, Jaz and Peerless drives. It allows individuals to "pack" the files they have on their old computer onto a portable high-capacity disks and then "unpack" the same files onto your new computer. The transfer software uses Microsoft's "files & settings transfer wizard," a feature included in Windows XP. After connecting a high-capacity drive to your old computer, you need to download the transfer tool, which primes a disk to prompt you to begin the transfer process the next time it is inserted into a drive. Setting up the disk also requires a CD with the Windows XP operating system. 

Keep in mind, software moving kits, have the ability to move everything. Thus, if you are not aware of what files that you are transferring, you may be transferring unneeded problem or virus files to your new computer. Link Transfers There are other options if you do not want to shuffle CDs or portable drives. With the link transfer software option your computers are linked through a serial cable or USB cable. After the software program has been installed on both of your computers (the "source" the old computer and "target" the new computer), you click through a question-and-answer wizard to describe what files you want to transfer. 

And for transfers on the fly, you can drag and drop folders or files between the two panes in the program representing each computer. Some link transfer software packages that work with Microsoft's Windows are: PCsync, IntelliMover, PC Relocator, and PC Upgrade Commander. In each case, the software must be installed on both your old and new computers. The software scans your old computer hard drive, to inventory the folders, subfolder, and files and then you select the data files that you would like to transfer to your new computer. It sounds like a fairly simple way to handle your data transfer.

Setting-up Your New Computer

Setting-up Your New Computer: How To Move Your Old Files To Your New Computer 
You've got a new computer for your office. It's cleaner, better, faster and you can't wait to start to use it!However, your satisfaction of making a fresh start with a new computer is tempered by the fact that all of your "stuff" is still on your old computer. Everything that made your old computer YOUR computer: your personal settings, your business files, your company spreadsheets are still loaded on your old computer. You find yourself with a new computer that's not so great without a whole lot of the useful file information that is still stored on your old computer. How are you going to get all of that information onto your new computer? The process is called "data migration" and it can be a tedious and time-consuming task for you and your business. 

Here are some suggestions to make this data migration go a little easier for you. CDs One option is to copy ("burn") everything to recordable CDs. Blank CDs are cheap, at about $1 apiece, and can hold more than 600 megabytes each. That much storage space should be enough for most small businessess to transfer old data files from one hard drive to a new. Two drawbacks to the CD method of data transfer are that: ~ It may take a while to burn each CD and ~ That you may not have a recordable CD drive on your old PC. 

Recordable CD units are standard on newer PCs but if older computers have a CD unit, it was insatlled as later add-on hardware feature. Thus, depending on the age of your older computer, it may not have a recordable CD drive installed at all. To install a recordable CD drive on your older computer now, may be more of a time-consuming effort when compared with other alternatives to moving your data files. Portable Drives Iomega has a pre-packaged solution designed to bridge the gap between old and new computers. They offer a software "moving kit" for individuals who have recently bought a new computer with Microsoft's Windows XP.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mend Your Laptop Batteries Wisely

Mend Your Laptop Batteries Wisely
By: Victor Epand

In the present day world, where everyone is busy and wants to have a computer to make their work easier everywhere they go, laptop is becoming increasingly popular. It is a type of computer that you can carry every where and every time with you. The main feature of all laptops is the back-up provided by the laptop batteries. It is necessary for a perfectly operating laptop to have a perfect battery too. There are some instances when the batteries of these used laptops fail and stops functioning. In this situation we are required to repair the used laptop batteries.

Laptop batteries are slightly different from other batteries. A laptop battery acquires a short life and if you want to replace the battery then the matter can be expensive. It will be much better to repair the battery of your used laptop instead going for replace it. So you have decided that you are going to repair the battery of your laptop. It may be possible that the cells of your used laptop battery are not functioning well and may have gotten weak. In this case it would be more economical for you to replace the cells. You can either go for nickel based cells that are easily available for the used laptop battery. In order to get the lithium ion cells you are required to search for the manufacturers that provide a completed battery pack along with the protective circuit.

During the cell replacement it is required to keep the supply of voltage alive. This is due to the fact that we may loose all our important data by disconnecting the circuit from the voltage; it can let a circuit remain into an unusable state. To avoid this situation always go for a secondary connection of voltage before disconnecting the battery cells, and only disconnect the secondary connection when your cells is over with the replacement. Generally the cells of a laptop battery are joint together in a row with a simple strips used to hold them together. A used laptop battery requires replacement when their internal cell stops functioning properly; in this case you need not to replace the battery because even in a new battery you will get the new cells. So it would be better to go for replacing cells than replacing the whole battery. 

We should keep it in mind to open the voltage terminals within 10 percent of each other. In order to avoid this we can go for wielding the cells together this is the best method to get the most dependable service from the cells. It is possible that in the storage process cells have got discharged by themselves often it happens with the nickel-hydride cells. So, in order to get the assurance for the charging of the used laptop battery by avoiding the overcharging, try for the charge and discharge cycle again and again for 14 hours. This is process that is necessary for the resetting the circuit of used laptop battery. These are some basic and important steps required to repair the battery properly.

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Computer Hacking Forensic Investigation Expert

Computer Hacking Forensic Investigation Expert
By: Wolfgang Jaegel

The information technology as well as the internet has now become an integral part of any work place and business organization, no matter it is small, medium, or large set ups. But, it is now often seen that the technology is misused and many organizations are not able to detect or respond to a cyber crime in an effective way. Here comes the importance of computer forensics investigators.

A forensic investigator is an expert in the discipline of computer forensics as well as electronic data recovery, and can help corporation in minimizing internal attacks and reducing their financial burdens. Computer forensics has now become an important segment of specialized investigation and is primarily applied to detect and defend cyber crime.

Nowadays, even specialized courses are available in order to procure knowledge and skills in computer forensics, and are mostly referred to as the Computer Hacking Forensic Investigation courses. 

Computer hacking forensic investigation, otherwise CHFI, is simply a process of identifying and accurately collecting data or proofs from hacking incidents. This in turn is highly beneficial in reporting the crime as well as conducting audits that are vital to defend against future attacks.

In other words, computer forensics is just the deployment of computer investigation as well as other relevant techniques in order to detect cyber crime and determine legal evidences. The proofs and information collected through computer forensic investigation have been considered vital in dealing with a number of matters such as fraudulent emails, computer break-ins, breach of contract, theft of company documents, industrial espionage, unscrupulous web page documents, and above all to deal with dishonest employees. 

In short, computer forensics allows for systematic and careful detection of crimes as well as collection of evidences in connection with detected crimes, which in turn ranges from mapping out the hacker's path via a client's systems to mapping out the origination of offensive emails. 

Taking hacking forensic investigator courses enables ones to acquire skills that are vital for the identification of footprints of an intruder and to effectively collect all necessary data in order to prosecute it into the court of law. Participating in the CHFI course has been considered highly beneficial for people including police, military and other law enforcement personnel, system administrators, legal professionals, e-business security professionals, IT professionals, banking and insurance professionals, and government agencies. 

Computer hacking forensics investigator course has been broken down into more than 25 modules such as: 

- Computer Forensics and Investigations as a Profession
- Understanding Computer Investigations
- Working with Windows and DOS systems
- Macintosh and Linux Boot Processes and Disk Structures
- The Investigators Office and Laboratory
- Current Computer Forensics Tools
- Digital Evidence Controls
- Processing Crime and Incident Scenes
- Data Acquisition
- Computer Forensic Analysis
- E-mail Investigations
- Recovering Image Files
- Writing Investigation Reports
- Becoming an Expert Witness
- Becoming an Expert Witness
- Logfile Analysis
- Recovering Deleted Files
- Application Password Crackers
- Investigating E-Mail Crimes
- Investigating Web Attacks
- Investigating Network Traffic
- Investigating Router Attacks
- The Computer Forensics Process
- Data Duplication
- Windows Forensics
- Linux Forensics
- Investigating PDA
- Enforcement Law and Prosecution
- Investigating Trademark and Copyright Infringement 

A variety of topics is covered in each of these sessions. For instance, Computer Forensics and Investigations as a Profession cover topics such as definition and brief history of computer forensics, understanding enforcement agency and corporate investigations, and maintaining professional conduct.

Likewise, included in the session, working with Windows and DOS systems are Disk Drive overview, NTFS System Files, NTFS Encrypted File Systems (EFS), and Windows XP system files. In addition, Macintosh and Linux Boot Processes and Disk Structures consist of UNIX and Linux Overview, Examining SCSI Disks, and Examining IDE/EIDE Devices. Further, a variety of hardware, software, and other specialized procedures are adopted in order to impart computer hacking forensic investigation training programs. Above all, workshops and laboratory works also form part of the course. 

Mostly, the duration of computer hacking forensic investigator course is usually five days. The certification on CHFI is usually awarded on the successful completion as well as passing of the EC0 312-49. EC Council's computer hacking forensics investigation training courses are now available in more than 50 countries across the world. However, prior to joining the CHFI course, the candidates are required to attend the EC-Council's CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) course, which is a certification program to test candidate's skills in the discipline of ethical hacking. 

Many of the reputable learning centers now render superb courses and classes on computer hacking forensic investigation.

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The Value of Storage How to Choose the Best Storage at the Right Price
By: Thomas Burns

Do you know that the wrong type of storage can be harmful to the health of your business? Do you know what type of storage you need? Do you know how to choose the best storage at the right price?

Many people choose the wrong type of storage for their specific needs. The result can be slower access and operation of the system, it can be slower boot time, or it can affect your bottom line because it costs more than you actually need to spend.

As I work with servers and individual systems for our clients, I generally see one of three problems with storage choices companies (or individuals) have made:
• They have the wrong type of storage
• They don’t have enough storage
• They don’t have the proper redundancy in case of a failure

When choosing storage, you must first look at your server and consider how the new storage will be used. Will it be used primarily for programs/applications and email, or will it be used just for storage of images, documents and other files?

If you are using the new drive (storage) for applications, you need to choose a higher-cost, lower-capacity drive, such as a SCSI. This type of drive will run much faster and will be generally more reliable.

If you are using the new drive just for storage, you will want to get as much storage capacity as possible at the lowest cost. You might want to consider a SATA drive. This type of drive will run a bit slower and cost less than a SCSI drive. The new terabyte drives might be an option if you are purchasing a drive simply for large storage capacity. A graphic artist, for example, will need to store a large number of images and both templates and files containing images and other types of graphic files, which use a lot of space. If your business has moved to paperless operations, you will also need a large amount of storage to handle the image files that are replacing paper. An individual might need a huge amount of storage for photos, music files, e-books and movies. Opening or retrieving these files doesn’t need to be as fast as running a program or operating a company’s email accessibility.

Why do email and programs require a higher cost, lower capacity drive? You need to understand that email and applications must operate quickly. Email is actually like a database everyone in the company uses. It must be fast and reliable.

Finally, many individuals and businesses do not have the proper redundancy to protect them in the event of a failure of some sort. Redundancy is basically a backup of what is stored on the drive. If a client is storing important data or applications on a drive, we generally create a redundant drive as backup. This way if there is a failure, such as a drive crash, the critical files are immediately available. Recovering from a failure with a non-redundant system will require locating the correct backup tape, which is stored offline, and running restore operations from the tape. This is a much slower process than switching to a different drive.

Choosing storage for your computer or for a server is not just a matter of cost. Don’t put your business or personal files at risk by choosing the wrong storage hardware. The three things to consider in choosing your storage option are:
• What type of storage do I need? Is it the right kind of storage for my needs?
• Will I have enough storage?
• Can I set up the proper redundancy in case of a failure?

Your answers to these questions will help you make wise choices about getting the right kind of storage at the best price.

Stay tuned for my next comments: I’ll be writing about new Solid State Drives, and this is huge news!

Copyright (c) 2007 Thomas Burns

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Survival Without Computers

Survival Without Computers 
By Kerri Salls, Mon Jan 2nd 

I was slowed down when my computer crashed and I had no data, noaddress book and not even my passwords to get back online. Ididn't think I was doing anything remarkable by bouncing back toproductivity even with this handicap for a week. But from thefeedback I've had from more than a few people, it seemsparalysis would have been the acceptable common option. 

Yes, I got slowed down, but nothing critical was lost and noappointments missed. Why? Internal reserves, resources anddrive. How do you survive in business today without yourcomputer (or maybe it's when your cell phone drops in the lakeor your Ipod gets lost)? 

There were three parts to my personal survival. They are: A. Resourcefulness -- When things don't go your way, you canhave a pity party and choose to be paralyzed. Or you can decideto dig in to your reserves and available resources to propel youforward in spite of obstacles. I start with a simple question:What's the most important thing that needs to be done now andhow do I do it (options)? 

It's a matter of choosing to get the work done and keeping yourpriorities in order, or using this problem (any problem) as anexcuse to procrastinate, or wallow in self-pity, or give up. 

B. Intestinal Fortitude -- This was my father's term for thedrive, determination, guts, stamina and the like to find a wayor make a way when you hit a roadblock. Intestinal fortitudekeeps you going because the vision is clear, your passion isunquenchable and you are a winner - and winners never quit. 

Of course when a glitch happens, what matters is how you handleit, not deny it. Handling a problem head on, gives you an actionplan. Action puts you in control. When you are in control, thefear and panic can't control you. 

If a glitch with your computer is enough to put your wholebusiness at risk, maybe you need a dose of intestinal fortitudeto make some hard decisions to reduce that risk in the future,e.g. strategic investments in your infrastructure, etc. Look atthe cost of the investment compared to the direct cost oropportunity costs of a week offline (think salaries, sales,customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, product delays, andshipping delays). 

C. Planning -- In this case, I was indeed lucky. The three daysafter the disk crash had already been blocked out to work on mythree-year vision and budget to get there and the detailed plansfor 2006. My schedule was already cleared of appointments,deadlines or correspondence. 

As business owners, we all need some reflection time to lift oursights and take a longer view of where we are going, otherwise,it's possible to short-change yourself and the business. 

The silver lining of my system crash was that without my owncomputer, I couldn't be tempted to procrastinate or avoid thesoul-searching and reflection this process requires. I was ableto really concentrate on what I want to do professionally andpersonally for the next 12-36 months. 

Putting a timeline to the vision and goals accelerates thebusiness momentum and recharges my batteries for the next 90days to set it all in motion. Try it.

Erp Software By Tgi Surpasses 10 Years With Lowry Computer Products

Erp Software By Tgi Surpasses 10 Years With Lowry Computer Products 
By Rebecca Gill 

Back in the early 1990’s, Lowry Computer Products was a growing company, competing in the fast paced data collection industry. The company was on an aggressive expansion plan, which did not allow for operational inefficiencies. In an attempt to manage its rapid growth, Lowry turned to Enterprise 21 to help streamline operations and to assist its staff in keeping up with the vastly changing world of the bar code and data collection industry. That was over ten years ago.

Since then Lowry has acquired four companies and has became a leader in not just bar coding equipment and supplies, but a leader in RFID technology as well. These days, Lowry serves as both a premier data collection and RFID provider to such vertical markets as retail, government, automotive, and consumer packaged goods.

Today Lowry continues to use Enterprise 21 to manage its distribution activities throughout North America. Their products and services include complex RF installations, stock barcode label and ribbons orders, and providing service support for a wide range of data collection equipment. They have quickly grown into a nationally recognized system integrator that provides complete solutions for wireless, RFID-EPC, bar code and data collection.

Lowry Computer Products is a privately held company that provides automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) solutions to supply chain markets. Lowry offers a complete line of scanners, printers and wireless networking products, labels, ribbons and toner, and installation and maintenance services throughout the United States. Lowry Computer Products is headquartered in Brighton, Michigan. Its production facility is in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Sales and Service offices are strategically located throughout the United States.

About Technology Group International, Ltd. 

Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Toledo, Ohio, Technology Group International is a proven technology leader delivering Tier 1 application software functionality at a price performance level that can be readily accepted by organizations of all sizes. Specializing in software solutions for small and mid-market manufacturing and distribution companies, TGI’s integrated Enterprise Series software suite is a complete business process management solution. The product offering includes Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Warehouse Management System (WMS), Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Decision Support System (DSS), Business Intelligence (BI), Manufacturing Execution System (MES), and eCommerce. TGI implements, maintains, enhances, and supports its packaged distribution and manufacturing software solutions directly and via its channel partners.

Make A Place For Computers In Children's World

Make A Place For Computers In Children's World 
By Dr. Kanchan Bodas, Mon Jan 2nd 

Computers have become an important part of our everyday livesand will be even more in the future. Knowledge about computersmight become as important to elementary school children asreading and writing.

There has been a lot of debate whether computers should be usedwith younger children. Some educators doubt the value of moderntechnology with younger kids. But some researchers have foundlot of positive learning benefits with the use of computers inyounger kids, especially when an adult supervisor is involved.Positive impact has also been found on children withdisabilities or special needs. It has been said that "Technologycan change the way children think and learn." 

Children are great "thinkers". Their rapidly growing brains areassimilating a lot of knowledge from their surroundings. Lot ofdata is analyzed and stored in the memory cells. Positive playexperiences, visual and auditory stimuli give a big boost tothis process.For example; I was pleasantly surprised one day when I saw my2and half year old twin girls playing with their toy fishes.They were holding a couple of dolphins, making jumping movementswith their hands and dolphin sounds with their mouth at the sametime. They were pretending that the dolphins are playing in thewater. Then they picked up a whale which started talking to thedolphins. They made whale sounds with some "clicks" and"tweets". Being a mother I was fascinated and of course veryproud. I learned later that they were looking at theEncyclopedia with their dad, on the earlier day and hadrepeatedly watched the sound clips and little video clips.

Explore, create and learn while having fun. That is a child'slife. Playing is a lot more to children then just having fun. Aschildren play, they learn 

about themselves and their surroundingenvironment. They learn social skills, learn to solve problemsand also develop their motor skills. Playing enhances theircreativity and imagination. 

These days wonderful computer based educational games andactivities are available in the market for children. There areexcellent websites on the internet, which provide informationand educational games for children. Parents and caregiversshould find play activities fit for their children. They shouldbe challenging, but not frustrating or overwhelming. Parents aretheir child's first playmates. Children enjoy a game lot morewhen a parent or family member is involved in the play.

Should children surf on the internet? It is "informationsuper-highway." It has its own benefits and risks. Childrenusing internet without supervision is a risk, but with aknowledgeable and responsible adult it could bring lot ofbenefits. It is just like driving a car and riding a car.Children can safely ride and enjoy the information super highwaywhile a responsible adult is in the driver's seat.

Of course there should be a limit on how much time children canspend on the computer. As a general guideline the rules can besimilar to those used for viewing TV. Anything done in excesscan be harmful. Consumption of too many vitamin tablets in a daycan also be harmful. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Brief History Of Computers

A Brief History Of Computers 
By Logan Rokwild, Mon Jan 2nd 

The word 'computer' originally implied a person, who, underinstructions from a mathematician, performed mechanicalcalculations. Mechanical calculating devices such as the abacuswere often put to use to aid this process. 

At the end of the Middle Ages, mathematics and engineering inEurope received a considerable boost, thus leading to theinvention of numerous mechanical calculating devices. Thetechnology for clockwork was developed by the early 17thcentury. The period between the early 19th century and early20th century saw the development of a number of technologieswhich would be vital for the development of the digital computerlater on. Some examples are the punched card and the valve.Charles Babbage was the first person to design a fully programmablecomputer as early as 1837. However, he was unable toactually construct his computer due to a variety of reasons.

Analog computers were increasingly used in the first half of the20th century for a number of scientific computing needs.However, they became obsolete after the development of thedigital computer.

The first digital computer was the Atanasoff Berry Computer . Itused a binary system of arithmetic, parallel processing, aseparation of memory and computing functions and regenerativememory. Binary math and electronic circuits - both of which areused in today's computers - were first used in the AtanasoffBerry Computer.

In the 1930's and 1940's, newer and more efficient computerswere continuously developed. Gradually, they came to possess thekey features which are present in modern day computers - digitalelectronics and flexibility of programming.

Among the more important machines to be developed during thistime, the American ENIAC was prominent. It was a general purposemachine, but had an inflexible architecture. Later a farsuperior technique known as the stored program architecture wasdeveloped. It is the foundation from which all moderncomputers are derived. 

Throughout the 1950's, computer design was primarily valvedriven. This was later replaced by transistor-driven design inthe 1960's. Transistor-based computers were smaller, faster andcheaper, and hence commercially viable. Integrated circuittechnology, adopted in the 1970's enabled computer productioncosts to hit a new low, so that even individuals could affordthem. That was the birth of the personal computer, as it isknown today. 

About the author:Logan writes about various topics. This article is free tore-print as long as all hyper links remain intacked and therel="nofollow" tag isnt added to any links. Thank-You

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